About Us

About Us

cgttrades.ltd is an automatic online investment platform established by a team of professional traders focusing mainly on crypto currency trading over multiple exchanges and market. Adding value to the team of like minded businessmen specialist in Bitcoin mining. Our company has been growing fast by expanding trade industry and mining techniques and rolling more elite traders and Miners respectively. cgttrades.ltd is helping to educate, provide service for, secure, protect and ultimately profit from this emerging industry. Anyone all over the world can join cgttrades.ltd and began earning passive income by taking advantage of our expertise in Bitcoin mining and crypto currency trading.

Recently, our company made a successful attempt the international technology market with an offer of profitable investments in financial investments. Our main aim is to provide safe and secured returns to our investors with effective and profitable trading and mining solutions where investors need little or no experience at all about the same. Our investors can choose one of three lucrative yet simple investment plan with cgttrades.ltd. If you want to join us, to earn over a period of long time then all you need to do is to register on our website, make deposit and sit back and relax while our experts work for you. We are expanding our features by providing you instant deposit and withdrawals. Use the possibilities of the company and earn on daily basis.

Take advantage of proven solutions to achieve cryptocoin success

Our roots go back to 2007 - right around the beginning of the revolution that would become known today as Bitcoin. Following the boom of this industry, we quickly began to see some of the common issues that were present when people tried to become involved. We took this need into account along with our own personal ambition to develop an integrated platform that was able to both satisfy the needs of investors and meet their expectations with sufficient returns on their investments. Since then, we have maintained our focus as a company that looks towards the future and transforms the opportunities offered to our valued clients.

  • ✅Security High Tech
  • ✅Corporate WTW Insurance
  • ✅Insured WTW Insurance American International
USD 3.5M


USD 1.7M



The team of technicians cgttrades.ltd and the company's financial department monitor key cryptocurrency market trends. We are studying the processes of mining and search the system that will optimize costs and reduce net cost of Bitcoin.


Our team trades cryptocurrencies since their entry into the wide circulation in 2016, it understands the Bitcoin pricing mechanisms and monitors the main trends at the market.


Our Hardowrking Team

Walter White

Chief Executive Officer

Explicabo voluptatem mollitia et repellat

Sarah Jhonson

Product Manager

Aut maiores voluptates amet et quis

William Anderson


Quisquam facilis cum velit laborum corrupti

Amanda Jepson


Dolorum tempora officiis odit laborum officiis

A Summary of Our Journey

We have over the years gannered loads of experiences that has consequently boosted our portfolio in world financial services.

Active users🧑🏼‍💼


Running days⏱️


Won award 🥇


Global presence🪩